Aloha, My post on How To Drink Out of A Coconut was quite popular. Maybe it was because I almost cut off my fingers. Anyway, I thought I would explore other fun ways to drink Tiki cocktails. Another fun way to serve Tiki cocktails is to make a...
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0:03 / 6:02 The Head – Mobile Tiki Bar Costume (Halloween 2010)
While browsing YouTube I came across this excellent Halloween costume that Morgan Hendry made for Halloween this year. I love it. It is an Easter Island Moai, a costume, and a Tiki Bar!
How to Throw a Great Pool Party
Just in time for your Labor Day bash; Michael Clinton on has some tips for throwing a great pool party. How To Throw a Pool Party on Howcast You will need: InvitationsPool Safety SignsFinger FoodUnbreakable plates and cupsFood stationsTablesLife...
How to Make a Molokai Mike The Molokai Mike is a famous Trader Vic's recipe, and looks pretty impressive because it is a layered drink. Don't let that scare you though it is really easy to make. You make the Molokai Mike in two parts first make the bottom...