Welcome to letstiki.com. Your source for Tiki Bars, Tiki Drinks, and Tiki News.
About Us
The mission of Let’s Tiki is to provide resources for home tiki bars and help people discover tiki bars.
A few years ago my partner and I decided to finish off our basement. As part of the renovation we planned on putting a bar in. I wasn’t satisfied with just a plain old bar with white walls. Boring!
I’ve always been fascinated with the tropical lifestyle, and my favorite place to vacation is Florida. So we thought it would be fun to make our basement bar a tiki bar. Over the years our tiki bar has evolved as we pick up new tchochkes at stores and on vacation. Over time I’ve become completely obsessed with tiki and the tropical lifestyle.
As I began looking for tiki bars to visit I thought it would be fun to compile a list of the best tiki bars so when I traveled I could visit them and check them off my list.
If you have any tiki bars you’d like to suggest or just want to get a hold of me you can email me here at damon at letstiki.com.
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