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A Tiki Murder Mystery, “Mai Tai One On”, Available This Month

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Book one in the Tiki Goddess Series is being released this month.  Mai Tai One On is the story of a murder that takes place at a Tiki bar on Kauai.  thetikigoddess.com describes the story as, 

“Six months ago if anyone would have told Em Johnson she’d end up divorced, broke, and running the dilapidated Tiki Goddess Bar on the magical North Shore of Kauai she would have told them to shove a swizzle stick up their okole.

As if all that isn’t bad enough, when an obnoxious neighbor with a grudge is found dead in the Goddess luau pit, suspicion falls on Em and the rest of the Goddess staff. With the help of a quirky dance troupe of over-the-hill Hula Maidens, Em and the cast of characters must ban together to find the killer and solve the mystery before the next pupu party.”

The first chapter is available at thetikigoddes.com to read