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Hurricane Taste Test

by | Cocktails, Recipe, Tiki | 0 comments

Happy Mardi Gras!  

Since, The Hurricane is the drink of Mardi Gras I thought I would have some fun and put the Pat O’Brien’s Hurricane Mix up against the classic Hurricane Recipe

To sum it up, the Pat O’Brien’s mix version tastes bitter, and flavorless.  You can really taste the corn syrup.  Upon further inspection, you can see the syrup settle at the bottom of the glass after it sits for a bit.  It is no wonder I got sick after drinking a few of these at last year’s Mardi Gras festivities.  This just proves that quality fresh ingredients can make a huge difference in a cocktail.  Do yourself a favor and make some real Hurricanes.  I have the recipe here.

Have a safe and happy Mardi Gras!
