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Red Robin Mai Tai… Meh

by | Mai Tai Monday, Review | 0 comments

Red Robin Mai TaiAs Let’s Tiki, I feel it is my duty to sample the world’s Mai Tais whenever I come across them.  Even, when better judgement says not to.  You just never know; a good Mai Tai could be found at a very unexpected location.  So, when I was at Red Robin this week the bartender put a drink menu in front of me and the first thing I saw was their Mai Tai.  So I ordered one so I could report back to all of you.  

The Red Robin Mai Tai was cute looking.  They poured a lot of Grenadine in the bottom of the glass to give it a cute smile and floated some dark rum at the top to give the little Mai Tai man a hat.  Unfortunately, the cute look was the best part of the Mai Tai.  It was very sweet, weak and just tasted a lot like pineapple juice and Grenadine.  So, as I suspected I don’t need to ever have one of those again.  At least the Mai Tai was cute looking.  I realize they need to cater to a main stream audience.  Oh well.

I had the Burnin’ Love Burger for dinner. That was pretty good.  It was a cayenne pepper seasoned beef patty with fried jalapeno rings, salsa, pepper jack cheese, and Chipotle Mayo. So if you are at Red Robin and you like a little spice give the Burnin’ Love Burger a try.   Don’t worry it isn’t super spicy.Update on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at 8:36AM by Let’s Tiki

I have a small correction to my post.  The rum floating on the top wasn’t his hat. It was his hair.  I stand corrected. 🙂