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What Drinks Can you Make? Ask The Grogalizer

by | Cocktails, Tiki, Tiki Drinks | 0 comments

It can be difficult to figure out what tiki drinks you can make with the ingredients that you have on hand.  It always takes me a while to flip through the recipe books until I find one that I can make.

Grogalizer.com solves this problem by telling you what drinks you can make.  Here is how it works.  You create an account on grogalizer.com.  When you set up your account you indicate what tiki recipe books you own.  Then, select the Juices, Mixers, Liquors, and Liquers that you have in your home tiki bar.  Next, click on the “The Drinks” tab to get a list of the drink that you can make.  

The results tell you what book the recipe is in and what page it is on.  Be sure to select, “only books that I own” from the drop down at the top of the page so that it only returns drinks that you have the recipe for. You can then rate the drinks, and comment on them.

Grogalizer.com is a great site to figure out what drinks you can make.  The only drawback is that you have to own the books to get the recipes.  However, a ton of time and work went in to producing those books so it is definitely worth spending a couple bucks and buying the books.